Below are instructions for desktop, smartphone and regular phone. For assistance, call the Open Door (1-347-514-7445):

For desktops, tablets, and smart phones:
1) After reading 1 to 4 of these instructions, click on this link: https://jitsi.theopendooronline.com/c
2) Next, if you are using a smart phone, select “Launch in Web”.
3) If asked, allow access to camera and microphone.
4) Please note, if your device is using the wrong camera, go to: https://jitsi.theopendooronline.com, click on the gear, and select the correct camera.

If you are using a smart phone or tablet and wish to use the Jitsi app:
1) After reading 1 to 5 of these instructions, click on this link: https://jitsi.theopendooronline.com/c
2) Click on link to download Jitsi.
3) Install Jitsi from Google Play (Android) or Apple App Store (iPhone).
4) Open Jitsi app. If asked, allow access to microphone and camera.
5) Enter https://jitsi.theopendooronline.com/c in the address box. Jitsi will save this address as “c”

For any additional questions:
For assistance, call the Open Door (1-201-960-9336) and leave a message with your name and number. We will dial you back. Please dial in before 7:30 meeting start time.